1. Roman physicians described the chills and fevers and recurring attacks of malaria, noting that it was most frequent in low, marshy areas.

2. Ross first wanted to answer the simple question whether plasmodium could be found in a mosquito after it had bitten a malaria-infected person.

3. One of these, the bark of cinchona tree, was found to be excellent for treating malaria.

4. Other tests were made, and it was at last established that plasmodium was in the blood of all individuals stricken with malaria.

5. 1. People who slept out of doors were more likely to contract malaria than those who didn´t.
    1. 在户外睡觉的人比那些不在户外睡觉的人更容易感染疟疾。

6. If the term sounds unscientific to 20th-century ears, let us remember there is a definite connection between marshy lands and malaria, and that the naming of the disease itself perhaps represents a praiseworthy effort of observation.

7. In 1883 an American physician, A.F.A.King, listed twenty observations which he believed pointed to mosquitoes as a factor in malaria.
    1883年,一位叫A. F. A. 金的美国内科医生列举了他所观察到的20种现象,说明蚊子极可能是产生疟疾的因素。

8. In the end the hypothesis that mosquitoes transmit malaria to human beings could be tested only by direct experiment — on man.