1. Sandy kissed her mother quickly on the cheek, picked up her books, and bolted out of the house.

2. My great-aunt picked me up at the training center, and we rode in a taxi through the crowded city.

3. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.

4. "Of course," said the umbrella-man ― "that is ― well, you know how these mistakes occur ― I ― if it´s your umbrella I hope you´ll excuse me ― I picked it up this morning in a restaurant — If you recognize it as yours, why ― I hope you&acu

5. Raymond: Yes,I just picked up some drug at the corner drugstore.
    雷蒙:有, 我刚刚在街角的药房买了一些药品,

6. On top I put a few General Staff maps I had picked up from friends.

7. One day while we are riding the subway, I ask, “What are the reasons you picked me to watch Sam?”

8. I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore.

9. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.

10. Indeed, the rich Miller was so devoted to little Hans that when he passed his garden he always picked a large bouquet of flowers, or if it was the fruit season, he would fill his pockets with plums and cherries.
    的确,这位富有的磨坊主对小汉斯非常忠实,他每次路过汉斯的园 子时,总要摘走一大束鲜花;在水果成熟的季节,他总要在衣袋里 装满李子和樱桃。