1. You must press this button to start the radio. 你必须按这个按钮才能打开收音机。
2. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own record players and radio transmitters. 有些真正的狂热家甚至自己制造电唱机和无线电发射机。
3. Such a messenger, receiving our radio and television signals, might well re-transmit them back to its home-planet, 这种自动化信息装置,在接收到我们的无线电和电视信号后,完全有可能把这些信号发回到原来的行星。
4. Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station. 她躺在床上,听着她喜欢的电台广播,嘴里哼着歌词。
5. Sandy reached for the radio to turn it up louder. 桑迪伸手把音乐开得更响。
6. Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer, argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, 美国一位重要的射电天文学家罗纳德.布雷斯韦尔教授在《自然》杂志上提出了这样的观点:
7. Many of the radio and electronic devices used are similar to those of artificial satellites. 所用的无线电和电子仪器中有许多与人造卫星的相同。
8. "In America," said Horsnagle, "instead of golden trumpets, we have newspapers, magazines and radio stations." 洪斯纳哥博士说,“在美国,我们有报纸、杂志和电台,而不是金喇叭。”
9. "But who owns all these newspapers, magazines and radio stations?" “但是谁拥有这些报纸、杂志和电台呢?”
10. Radio waves also travel at the speed of light, 无线电波也是以光速传播的。