1. He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply.

2. He was afraid he might not be able to finish it, and he gladly received young people, "for," he used to say, "I must train up men who will continue the Communist propaganda after I am gone."

3. Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters.

4. All I received in response to my request was the laconic reply "Wait."

5. A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship´s captain instructing him to give up the search.

6. A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist.

7. "It was called Operation Match (匹配行动)," says a privacy expert, "and it matched databases of people who owed money to the government with other databases of people who received money from the government.
    一位隐私权方面的专家说:"这被称作'匹配行动', 它将那些欠有政府款项的人的数据库与那些从政府获得款项的人的数据库一一对应。

8. She received an admonition from the boss for not doing her work properly.

9. She mentioned to me that she had received your letter.

10. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland.