1. The patient elected to follow my advice and died peacefully, pain free, a fortnight later. 病人选择了听从我的建议。两周后,她安详地、毫无痛苦地离世了。
2. They will be free to develop their talents without guilt or fear — or just hold a good, steady job. 他们将能自由地、毫无愧疚、毫不担忧地发挥他们的才干,或拥有一份稳定的好工作。
3. This is the trick that permits indoor, parachute-free "sky diving". 这就是室内无伞蹦极跳得以进行的诀窍。
4. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but he is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. 他可能从不知道下顿饭有无着落,但他不像有人那样被千万桩愁事所折磨。
5. During her "free" period from 2 to 3 p.m., Mrs. Cox has to meet with parents, order supplies, make out examinations, check assignments, and take care of many other things. 下午2点到3点是她的“空闲”时间,她在这段时间里会见家长,定购教学用品,出考试题,批改作业,还要料理许多杂事。
6. Dr. Hornsnagle, an American explorer, asked the ruler of Yap Yap whether free speech was allowed under his rule. 美国探险家洪斯纳哥博士问汪汪国的国王,在他统治下是否允许言论自由。
7. An advertisement which begins with the magic word FREE can rarely go wrong. 凡是用"免费"这个神奇的词开头的广告很少会失败的。
8. Another time a bull broke free, and this time Hunter had to wrestle with it before he could get it tied up again. 又一次,一头公牛跑了出来。这次,亨特跟牛搏斗了一番才又将牛捆住。
9. All one has to do is to go to the appropriate Web site, where online papers can either be purchased, ordered, or downloaded for free. 他只要找对网址,就可以在那儿购买、预定或免费下载网上的论文。
10. "It's not healthy for kids to have so little free time. 孩子的闲暇时间太少不利于健康,