1. The river which forms the eastern boundary of our farm has always played an important part in our lives.

2. They play an important part in people´s life.

3. The next important advance in understanding malaria came in the 17th century, when many newly discovered plants in the New World were sent back to Europe to be used as medicines.

4. Two centuries were to pass before the next important discovery was made.

5. This was an exceedingly important discovery.

6. This was because ability to bear children was a very important requirement for women in this culture,

7. The information learned shows increases or decreases. Important trends emerge in each field.

8. The problems of numerous inhabitants on this small planet will continue to be important to each of us.

9. This willingness to help in a pinch is an important aspect of Japanese problem-solving, and you find it at every level.

10. The capacity to know how another feels is important on the job, in romance and friendship, and in the family.