1. She wrote a note on the envelope and left it on his book: "Husband, I have gone next door to help Mrs. Norton with her sick children."

2. Poison makes people sick; some poisons kill people as well as birds and animals.

3. People get sick from drinking contaminated water.

4. Many people find this sort of joke distasteful. The following example of ´sick humour´ will enable you to judge for yourself.

5. On the ground lay an old sick goat.

6. On September 4, 1853, he reached Spezia sick, went to a hotel, could not sleep for noise without and fever within, took a long walk the next day, and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep.

7. I´m afraid my parents are sick again.

8. I am sick of having to truckle to my superiors.
    我不得不对上司唯命是从, 这叫我很难受。

9. It is called ´sick humour´.

10. It is recognized and respected everywhere as the emblem which means service to the sick and suffering.