1. Sally´s attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister´s hair stylist.

2. Sally´s attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister´s hair stylist.

3. She has a sister much younger than she is.

4. My sister and I have diverse ideas on how to raise children.
    在养育孩子问题上, 我和姊姊有迥然不同的看法。

5. Mary was always envious of her younger sister´s beauty.

6. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not.

7. My brother and my sister go to school.

8. My mother has dressed my sister and me in our best clothes — identical navy blue dresses with sailor collars and gray coats.

9. My sister, perhaps recoiling even more deeply from all this strangeness, is ill with a fever and can hardly raise her head.

10. I got a letter from my sister this morning.