1. No matter how society may classify me as invisible and powerless, I exist.

2. Knowing that the industrious ant lives in a highly organized society does nothing to prevent us from being filled with revulsion

3. He is the treasurer of our music society.

4. He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society.

5. He thinks children must spend time with peers to learn the rules of work in a democratic(民主的) society and to learn how to deal with relations with more people than just their parents.

6. And it often interrupts the child's schooling, friendships and neighborhood contacts, those beginnings of trust and social relationships needed to mold a child into a healthy member of society.

7. Dr. Sandra Scarr of Virginia University(弗吉尼亚大学), president of the Society for Research in Child Development(儿童发展研究会主席), believes geniuses are largely born.

8. A. Yes, a rather sentimental girl fed up with bourgeois society but not knowing what to do about it.
    A. 记得,她是一个多愁善感、对资本主义社会感到厌倦,但又不知如何是好的女孩儿。

9. Almost everyone has heard about the need to be a useful member of society.

10. "But the most important educational purpose is giving children the ability to live in society.