1. One step to calming down is recognizing you have this tendency. 让自己平静下来的做法就是承认你存在这种倾向。
2. On the other hand, parents happy to take a child step by step through an argument, encouraging him or her to explore ideas, will cultivate an open and creative thinking style. 从另一方面来说,乐意与孩子作一步一步深入的论证,鼓励子女探索各种想法,这样的父母会培养出开放的、有创见的思维方式。
3. Learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language can, he says. 他说,学习一种新的舞步和学习一种语言一样,都能促进大脑发展。
4. Finally it was my turn to climb the stairs and step out onto the narrow platform. 终于轮到我爬上梯级,踏上狭窄的跳板了。