1. This soil has been dumped along the sides of rivers, and strong walls have been erected to hold it there. 这些泥土被卸在河边,人们还砌起了坚固的墙来围住这些泥土。
2. This strong and steady voice, an American voice with a slight accent of North Carolina, belonged to Edward R. Murrow, head of the European staff of the Columbia Broadcasting System. 这个有力而平稳的声音,这个带着一点北卡罗来纳口音的美国音,出自爱德华· R· 默罗之口,他是哥伦比亚广播公司驻欧人员的负责人。
3. That same year Bartholdi had assembled the statue's right arm and torch, and displayed them in Philadelphia. 同年,巴托尔迪组装完神像的右臂和火炬,并将它们陈列在费城。
5. The boys of average ability and the gifted girls showed strong activity on both sides of their brains as they thought about the puzzle. 智力一般的男孩与天资好的女孩在解题时脑子的两半球都活跃。
6. The long-term acceptance is strong, the rest is just details." 公众对它的长期接受程度相当高,而其他情况只是枝节而已。"
7. Her arm is so badly injured they will have to amputate (it). 她的胳膊伤势严重, 他们不得不锯掉(它).
8. He is as strong as an ox. 他壮得像头牛。
9. He pillowed his head on his arm. 他把头枕在手臂上。
10. His popularity among working people remains as strong as ever. 他在劳动人民中一如既往声望很高.