2. The stranger suddenly looks like a bum (无业游民). 这个陌生人突然看上去像个游手好闲的无业游民。
3. The man stopped suddenly and turned away. How could he laugh about Bill's bones and take his gold? 这个人蓦地停住了脚步,转过身去。他怎么能对着比尔的尸骨大笑,并带走他的金子?
4. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long. Falling into a sleeplike condition, he suddenly felt as though he were sinking in a mighty flood of water, and the rush and roar soon took musical shape wi 终于,他的潜意识长期以来一直在寻找的奇迹发生了。他进入了似睡非睡的朦胧状态,骤然间感觉到自己仿佛掉进了滔滔洪水之中,不断在下沉,很快,洪水的冲击声和咆哮声以音乐的形式呈现在他的脑海里。
5. He stepped into the cave. Suddenly he saw two eyes glaring at him out of the darkness. 他迈步走进洞里. 突然, 他看见有两只眼睛从黑暗处瞪着他.
6. He stepped into the cave. Suddenly he saw two eyes glaring at him out of the darkness. 他迈步走进洞里. 突然, 他看见有两只眼睛从黑暗处瞪着他.
7. He stood staring for a few minutes when suddenly the light of a bull´s eye-lantern was flashed into his eyes. 他站在那儿盯着钟看了一会儿。突然一道巡夜灯的灯光射进他的眼睛。
8. He came home the same way, the front door flying open, his cap on the floor, and the voice, suddenly rough, shouting, "Isn't anybody here?" 他回家时还是那副粗鲁样:撞开前门,把帽子往地板上一扔,突然粗着嗓门喊道:"家里有人吗?"
9. During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. 在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然踉踉跄跄地闯到斗牛场中间,
10. A huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. 突然,了望员发现一座冰山。