1. Parents, teachers, even friends can put a lot of pressure on students to get good grades. 家长、教师,甚至朋友会给孩子施加相当大的压力,希望他们考出好成绩。
2. MISS DIETRICH: You´ll have famous painters for teachers and become a real artist yourself. 迪特里希小姐 你会有著名的画家当你的老师,你将成为一个真正的画家。
3. Juku teachers and managers say that because their schools are profit-making enterprises, they have to promise results to succeed. 课外学校的教师和管理者都说,由于他们的学校是赢利性企业,他们必须承诺有成功的结果。
4. Good teachers have insight into children´s emotions. 优秀的教师能洞察学生内心的感情。
5. Children should show respect for their teachers. 学生要尊敬老师.
6. Because he dislikes the scepticism and materialism of radical teachers. 因为他不喜欢急进教员的怀疑主义的唯物主义。
7. Unfortunately, this is a point often overlooked by teachers of language, who demand faultless accuracy from the beginning. 不幸的是,这一点却常常被讲授语言的老师们所忽视,他们从一开始就要求完美无缺的准确。
8. Unlike my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks! 与高中老师不同,大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼,他们没有哪个带教鞭!
9. One former inner-city high school teacher who now works in the New Haven program, says teachers also benefit. 一名曾任教于市中心贫民区学校的教师如今在实践纽黑文教学计划。他说,教师也能从中受益。"
10. teachers gave consistently lower grades on essays apparently written by boys named Elmer and Hubert than they awarded to the same papers when the writer's names were given as Michael and David. 教师老是给卷上名字为埃尔默和休伯特的男孩写的文章打较低的分数, 实际这是同样的两份卷子。