1. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang.

2. ´Did he telephone again?

3. Almost everyone uses the telephone to conduct business, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say “Thank you,” to shop and to obtain all kinds of information.
    几乎每个人都在用电话做生意、与朋友聊天、安排或取消社交约会、说声 “谢谢”、 购物、或去获得各种信息。

4. "We were geared up for a very high level of operations," John Forsgren, the company's chief financial officer said in a telephone interview.

5. Sandy told Autumn about her telephone conversations with her brother Bill.

6. Since then, I've heard that the psychic-talk business is doing poorly and that phone psychics have been considering another form of telephone work: phone sex.

7. Pretending to speak seriously, one of the workmen asked if he might make a telephone call before being taken to the station.

8. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons.

9. Please don´t telephone my daughter again!

10. Most of telephone dials use digital numbers.