2. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜似十分治疗。
3. A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound. An old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending. 手表停了依然是只手表,还可以重上好发条。然而一只老掉牙的手表,磨损太厉害,老得一点儿不准了,最终不值得修理了。
4. A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it. 一个到处找便宜的人必须具有耐心,而且最重要的是看到珍品时要有鉴别珍品的能力。
5. Another question asked was, was it all worth the trouble and money that went into it if at the end of the day the patient died? 另一点疑问是,假如病人手术当天就命归黄泉,那么是否还值得花费人力财力进行这种手术呢?
6. "Don't give yourself impossible things, but things that will affect your identity, control and self-worth." 别让自己去做不可能做到的事,而是做那些会影响你的个性、控制能力和自尊心的事情。"
7. Again, you face the terms: "Loss of self-worth and security, fear of the future, stress, depression (抑郁)." 你又一次面对这些字眼: "失去了自尊和保障、害怕未来、精神紧张、沮丧消沉。"
8. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort. 虽然时常遭遇挫折,但却非常有价值。
9. "Choose your fights," she says. "Is it worth 25 or 50 cents to argue with a taxi driver?" 她说:"选择一下是否要和司机吵架,为25或50美分吵架值不值得呢?"
10. "Look, we're in a very competitive business. Every year we're selling more than a £ 1,000 million worth of cars abroad. "瞧,我们这一行竞争激烈,每年我们汽车的海外销售额超过10亿英镑。