1. The duke´s son demeaned himself by doing manual labor with his servants . 公爵的儿子降低自己的身份和佣人一起做工。
2. The poor woman´s mind has been deranged for many years. 女人已精神错乱好几年了。
3. The war caused great detriment to the nation´s economy. 战争大大损害了该国经济。
4. They were very easy. But I couldn´t answer the rest. They were too difficult for me. 这些题都非常容易.但是我回答不出其余的问题. 对我来说这些题太难了.
5. The doctor´s dilemma was whether he should tell the patient the truth. 医生进退两难的是该不该把真情告诉患者。
6. They´re very diligent in keeping records. 他们做记录十分认真.
7. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: ´The night is dim. Read the letter to me. 然后他眯着眼说道:“光线幽暗,读给我听吧。”
8. The other candidate´s main disadvantage is her age. 另一候选人的主要不利条件是她的年龄问题.
9. The people´s army keeps very good discipline. 人民的军队很守纪律。
10. The film was so disjointed that I couldn´t tell you what the story was about. 那部电影的情节支离破碎, 我简直说不出个所以然来.