1. In traditional Chinese culture, parents made marriage decisions for their children.

2. In fact, the children begin to sense that a parent's unlimited generosity is not right.

3. In the end, both you and your children will be happier for it.

4. In a nearby class, eight children, each about 3, sat politely in little chairs in a row as a teacher held up pictures of a kite and other objects, calling on the students to identify them.

5. In a recent survey, two-thirds of parents said competitive examinations were their worst problem in raising children.

6. In 1993 she created drawings for a children's book and saw it become a best-seller.

7. I wonder briefly if she has any family, and then I see that there are neither flowers, nor pictures of rainbows and butterflies drawn by children, nor cards.

8. I talked to his four grown children and told them I thought we should insert a tube directly into his stomach through a small hole so he could be fed without so much pain.

9. In Ghana, the report said, a third of households with children are maintained primarily by women.

10. I watch him and the other children jump up and down.