1. Where the raising of children and the investment of both parents in the children's lives were guaranteed by bonds of friendship between the parents, which were based on rational love.

2. I am aware of the complex research concerning the effects of divorce on children

3. When the majority of the children murdered in this country are killed by their parents, many of whom say they were trying to discipline the child for behavior like blocking the TV or crying too much, it suggests a demand for basic emotional education

4. Father was an austere man, very strict with his children.
    父亲是个严厉的人, 对子女十分严格。

5. For many years she has been puzzled as to why so many of the children in her study should be boys — at the top level, there are more boys than girls by a ratio of thirteen to one.
    多年来,她对为何她的研究中有那么多的男孩感到困惑 -- 高级组中男孩女孩之比为13比1。