1. In this way, students gain great insight from their peers, learning from each other as well as the instructor.

2. I'm impressed. "President" is a great job name, although, let's face it, not as great as "nomad."
    这话叫我忘不了。"总裁"可是个了不起的职务,虽然--让我们面对它吧-- 还不如"游牧者"那么好听。

3. In Japan great consideration is given to the thoughts and opinions of everyone at all levels.

4. I — who had always performed especially well for my grandmother, danced and sung for her, presented her with kisses and good report cards — stopped writing to her, ceased to visit.

5. I spread her toys out on my grandmother's bed and sat her down.

6. I admire the wedding dishes (once my grandmother's) that my mother has set on the table.

7. It is a popular myth that great geniuses — the Einsteins, Picassos and Mozarts of this world — spring up out of nowhere as if touched by the finger of God.
    有一种流行的说法,世界上的伟大天才 -- 爱因斯坦们、毕加索们、莫扎特们,不知从什么地方突然冒了出来,似乎都是造物主的神功使然。

8. I must admit that I am now a devoted grandmother,

9. From words to deeds is a great space.

10. For a time it assumes a miraculous individuality that, in the end, is reabsorbed into the great ocean of life.