1. The doctor felt the child´s forehead and found the fever was gone.

2. The ant knows how to milk them. It strikes a cow bug´s back with its forelegs and feelers.
    蚂蚁知道怎样去挤这些蚜虫的液汁. 它们用腿和触角敲打蚜虫的背部.

3. The old man can foretell a person´s fortune.

4. The girl ´gave´ her mother a free dress once a week!

5. Take your time and don´t gabble!
    说话从容些, 不要快得叫人听不清!

6. There´s no gainsaying his honesty.

7. Then, almost 400 years ago, an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle´s theory of falling objects.
    后来, 大约在四百年前, 一位名叫伽利略的意大利科学家开始怀疑亚里斯多德的落体学说.

8. The cat´s eyes were gleaming in the dark.

9. Last night I came home and started playing my stereo. My grandma started yelling,"That´s too loud!

10. The reporter´s graphic description made us feel that we were present at the scene.