1. They both went softly into the kitchen, where the baby was sleeping in a wicker cradle.

2. The people on the train look at us indirectly, and avoid sitting nearby.

3. To improve this habitual way of standing or sitting, start by keeping your hands away from your mouth, and keep your arms uncrossed.

4. Then Grandma waved at her — the same kind of slow wave a baby makes — and Laurie waved back.

5. They can bring egg and sperm together artificially and dispose of any affected baby before placing it in the mother, or before birth — though that might be objectionable, too.

6. To much surprise, the embryo grew into a baby lamb.

7. The woman next to me in the bread café on 67th Street wants to know how much my baby weighs.

8. His wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake.

9. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours.

10. Her husband died at the time when she was carrying her last child, and she got the job at Sam´s after she´d had her baby.