1. Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrase-book. 然后他把手伸进他的口袋,掏出一本短语集.
2. The book has a preface written by the author. 该书有作者写的序言。
3. The book is still in preparation. 书仍在编写中。
4. The book brought the young author to immediate prominence. 这本书使那位年轻作者一举成名。
5. This book is published by Oxford University Press. 这本书是牛津大学出版社出版的.
6. The publisher pressed the author for his book. 出版商催促作者的书稿。
7. This book was published recently. 这本书是最近出版的。
8. The Koran is the sacred book of the Islam. 《可兰经》是伊斯兰教的圣典。
9. Technical problems are not within the scope of this book. 技术问题不在本书论及范围之内。
10. The most valuable find of all was the ship´s log book, parts of which it was still possible to read. 打捞到的东西中最有价值的是船上的航海日志,其中有一部分仍然清晰可读。