1. He notes "no amount of change" with the horse and carriage "will produce an automobile".
    他说"无论怎样改革",马和马车"都改革不出汽车" 。

2. However, it is not only possible to change your world view, he says, it's actually easier than overcoming a drug habit.

3. A.Despite rising prices, you refuse to change your eating habits.

4. During the duration of one human lifetime, not many things change.

5. A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.

6. As Daniel Goldin of NASA observed, ´Finding life elsewhere would change everything.

7. As for the customer, the most dramatic change is the way checkout lines keep moving.

8. "Remember, it's never too late to change your mind."

9. "The kids grow up, the dog dies and you change your priorities."

10. Automobile production is down; bicycle production is up. Crowded highways, high gasoline costs, and ease of bicycling are three reasons for this change.