1. Why should cloned children's parents be any different?

2. While the reasons for entering the work force may vary from country to country, women everywhere are finding that to give their children an adequate life, getting a job is no longer optional.

3. We look at the children, and I feel better.

4. We can now not only choose our marriage partner, we also can divorce that partner at will, subject children to our own adult worship of happiness, and deny the other parent any regular contact with their children.

5. What divorce does is to damage children, making them into refugees as the people in their lives scatter in all directions.

6. While the study is not yet complete, the children appear to have been given a long-term advantage.

7. When the researcher returns, he gives these children their hard-earned pieces of candy.

8. The children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them .

9. These TV programmes cater for children.

10. The children are playing cheerfully in the garden.