1. How patiently I taught my daughter how to cross a street safely.

2. One of our major purposes is to increase productivity.

3. Of those who use this information, nearly 20 percent… do not inform their employees that their medical records have been used for such purposes."

4. It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways.

5. Which I found most helpful on the cross-country journey, but which I did not think I should need on the last stage.

6. In 1864 a treaty — The Convention of Geneva — was signed and the Red Cross came into being.

7. In peace, too, the Red Cross is quick to send help wherever there is human suffering.

8. For our purposes, we are concerned only with one kind of cost----the cost of managing and administering the business.
    就我们的目的而言,我们只关心一种费用 -- 企业行政管理费。

9. For discussion purposes, we can divide these payments into three broad categories.