1. When our part of the earth faces the sun, we see sunlight and have day.

2. Why, didn´t you tell me only the other day that you´d paid up all we owed for groceries?"

3. What day is today?

4. What day of the month is it?

5. When people added one extra day to February every four years, they were adding 24 hours, whereas they should have added only 4 times 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds — a total of 23 hours, 15 minutes and 4 seconds.

6. We don't know about dining cars, and when we discover that this train has such a thing, we can hardly afford to go there once a day on the few dollars that my father has brought with him.

7. WHO believes that, as AIDS becomes more common, the disease promises to unite the world to a degree never seen before.

8. Whether or not they said anything I can't remember to this day, or whether people just automatically put their hands up I don't know. I put my hands up but I just didn't know what to do.

9. Welfare sent Suzanne to look around in my apartment the other day because the chemist said I was using a larger than usual amount of medical supplies.

10. When you're faced with an immediate temptation, remind yourself of your long-term goals — whether they be losing weight or getting a medical degree.