1. Some ways that people upset nature are easy to understand.

2. Collecting blood, particularly from ancient populations in remote areas, was not always easy;

3. His early audiences found it easy to understand and forgive,

4. One of the two living rooms was American, with easy chairs instead of mats or tatami and so were the kitchen and bathroom.
    两个起居室里有一间是美式摆设,摆放着沙发,而不是席子, 或者叫榻榻米。厨房和浴室也是美国风格。

5. Oh, falling in love was easy. Sustaining it was the hard part.

6. Our ability to believe what we want to has, in the past, made life easy for the beauty industry.

7. It is an easy place to reach.

8. Which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.
    它是如此地令人惬意和自在, 如同滑向智力低能一样.

9. I am looking for the kitten, but it´s not easy to find one.

10. It is easy to see how crime can breed in such a squalid neighborhood.
    显而易见, 在这样的贫民区里怎能不孕育出犯罪的行为。