1. Later, when night fell, Kaz and her brother made for the mountains; a friend from Kaz's factory lived in a village on the slope of a hill behind the city and had offered to take them in. 接着,夜幕降临了,和子和她弟弟往山里走;和子厂里的一个朋友住在市区后面一个小山坡上的村子里, 表示愿意收留他们。
2. In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. 在工业生活的组织中,工厂对工人的生理和精神状态的影响完全被忽视了。
3. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. 几年之后,小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂。
4. I´ll take dinners to sell at the factory. 我会到工厂去卖午餐。
5. For instance, Alex Au, a Stanford Ph. D. from Hong Kong, has set up a Taiwan factory to challenge Japan´s near lock on the memory-chip market. 比如说,亚历克斯.奥,一位来自香港的斯坦福大学博士,已经在台湾建厂,对日本在内存条市场上近似垄断的局面提出了挑战。