1. Probably at one time the earth was blazing hot, like the stars we see in the sky at night.

2. Jane: Personally,I prefer hot and spicy foods,but I realize my tastes are not the same as everyone else´s.
    珍妮:就个人来说, 我比较喜欢味辣而芳香的食物, 但是我了解我的口味并不和其他的每个人一样.

3. Computers turn on the lights, heating and essential household services before people arrive home from work. Computers control cooking, hot water, security.

4. "Soup! Hot noodles!" Mother cried.

5. The warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea;

6. It is always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.
    6,7,8 月总是炎热的. 每天阳光灿烂.

7. It´s awfully hot today.

8. I shall have a hot bath and go to bed.
    我要去洗个热水澡, 然後睡觉.

9. It has been especially hot this summer.

10. It´s so hot please turn the fan on.