1. They expedited the repairs of the house because the winter was near.
    冬天快到了, 他们加紧修理房子。

2. They left the house in a frightful mess.

3. The gambler had no more money and put his house in pledge.
    那赌徒拿不出什么钱来了, 就把自己的房子作了抵押。

4. The trees hid the house from view.

5. There is a sheep in front of the house.

6. Those who never have to change house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter.

7. The mendacious beggar told a different tale of woe at every house.

8. The doll´s house had miniature tables and chairs.

9. There are shops in the neighbourhood of my house.

10. The house yard is oblong.