1. Most surgeon would have cut his leg off, but Hunter saw how he could remove the tumour and treat the leg so that within 6 weeks the man was quite well again.

2. My sister, perhaps recoiling even more deeply from all this strangeness, is ill with a fever and can hardly raise her head.

3. Moreover, people don’t treat you like a guest anymore.

4. My parents made a formal visit to my future husband's house to see whether Ram's family would treat me well.

5. Charles Laveran, a French physician stationed in Algeria and later a Nobel laureate, took blood from a patient ill with malaria, and after two years of careful work (1878-1880) found that it contained tiny organisms under his powerful microscope.

6. Children were told that they could have a single treat, such as a piece of candy, right now.

7. To discover whether they are mentally ill more often than other people are.

8. I´m really amazed. Why is it that you can sometimes treat me like a princess?
    我很惊讶, 为什么你有时候对待我象对待一个公主那样好?

9. I feel ill.

10. I am sorry to hear that you re ill.