1. He knew Heine and Goethe by heart, and often quoted them in conversation.

2. He knew the way to camp, and its food and bullets.

3. His foot hurt, but it was nothing compared with his hunger, which made him go on until darkness fell. His blanket was wet, but he knew only he was hungry. In his troubled sleep, he dreamed of rich meals. He woke up cold, sick and lost; the small bag
    跟肚中的饥饿比起来,脚上的伤根本算不了什么。饥饿感驱使他不停地走,直到天黑。毯子已经湿了,他没觉察到。他惟一清楚的就是饥饿。这一晚上,他睡得极不踏实,他梦到了丰盛的饭菜。醒来时,他觉得冷, 觉得没有力气,辨不清方向。那个小包还在。

4. He would insist the elderly woman did attend their wedding accidentally. But she knew "Aunt Esther" was on some heavenly mission.

5. He knew it; only, he could not figure it out.

6. As its Composition and line reminded him of an Italian painting he knew well, he decided to buy it.

7. After it had passed, they swam on as quickly as they could because they knew that the boat would soon return.

8. Although the language had no close relation to any of the modern or ancient languages he knew, he made such progress in six months as to be able to enjoy reading Russian poetry and prose works.

9. And even though I was hopeful throughout the dinner that my mother would somehow see Rich's kindness, his sense of humor and charm, I knew he had failed miserably in her eyes.
    虽然吃饭时, 我一直希望我妈妈能从某种角度看到里奇的善良、幽默感和魅力,但是我知道在她的眼里里奇是一败塗地了。

10. After several weeks in school I knew a couple of students but saw them only a few minutes, perhaps three times a week.