1. Among tribal people all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all; 在部落中,通过传统继承的知识为所有人共享,并传授给部落中的每一个成员。
2. A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet get hardly any benefit or relief. 一个人可能会获得与其日常工作无关的某些课题的渊博知识,而没有从中得到什么实益或宽慰。
3. As Mr. Ross said at the time: "If the patient has no other future short of this transplant, we think we are morally justified, in the present state of our knowledge, in doing it." 正如罗斯先生当时所说:“如果除了做移植手术之外,病人别无出路,那么我们认为,在现有的医学条件下,施行这种手术在道义上是无可非议的。”
4. And beyond that, you've gained something — a little more knowledge and a lot more understanding. 你已经理解到了你原本讨厌的按部就班的生活的价值, 理解到了你原本视为理所当然的职业的重要性,
5. "We don't push knowledge on them," said the head of a branch of this juku in northwest Tokyo. "我们不是向他们强行灌输知识,"这所位于东京西北的课外学校的部门负责人说。"
6. A general knowledge of a city's taxi-taking customs can also make you more comfortable during your travels. 大致了解一个城市乘坐出租车的习惯也可以使你的旅程更加愉快。
7. You can get a theoretical knowledge of farming from text books. 你可以从教科书上得到关于耕作的理论知识。
8. You must keep this knowledge in your heart." 你必须牢记这些情况。"
9. Yet even this painfully-bought self-knowledge found its way into his comic creations. 然而即使是这种以沉重代价换来的自知之明也在他的喜剧创作中得到了表现。
10. People with greater knowledge of their emotions are better pilots of their lives. 能较大程度地认识自己的感情,这样的人能更好地把握自己的人生。