1. The incessant barking of the dog kept him awake through the night. 不断的狗叫声使他整夜未能入睡。
2. The night passed without an incident. 这一夜平安无事。
3. The songs we heard last night were most inspiring. 昨晚我们听的歌曲很令人鼓舞。
4. The moth flies mainly at night. 飞蛾大都在晚上飞.
5. The revelries went on all night. 狂欢活动通宵达旦.
6. The heavy frost in late spring was ruinous to the crops. 暮春的严霜对庄稼危害极大。
7. The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night. 店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。
8. The sirens broke the silence of the night. 号笛声划破了寂静的夜空。
9. The wind strengthened during the night. 风在夜间刮得更猛了.
10. The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year´s crop before the September rains. 为了赶在九月雨季之前将今年的作物收割和脱粒完,整个村子都日夜忙碌着。