1. Would your twin live a shorter life because he or she started out with DNA that was already 10, 20, or 30 years old? 你的孪生兄弟或姐妹出生时DNA就已经10、20或30岁了,难道就因为这样他或她的寿命会更短吗?
2. While the reasons for entering the work force may vary from country to country, women everywhere are finding that to give their children an adequate life, getting a job is no longer optional. 尽管加入工作大军的原因可能因国而异,但各地的妇女都发现,要让孩子丰衣足食,惟一的选择就是找一份工作。
3. We agree with the idea that love is a spirit that changes life. 我们一致认为爱是一种精神,它能改变人生。
4. In some, has been a way of life for centuries. 在某些国家,这已成为人们几百年来的生活方式。
5. We have systematically looked down on old women, kept them out of productive life, judged them primarily in terms of failing capacities and functions, and then found them pitiful. 我们一贯从各方面瞧不起老年妇女,不让她们参加生产活动,主要从其日渐衰落的能力和作用上去评价她们,还要说她们很可怜。
6. We have made old women invisible so that we do not have to confront our society's myths about what makes life valuable or dying painful. 我们使老年妇女退出社会,销声匿迹,这样我们就不用面对这个社会里关于何以使生命如此宝贵,死亡如此痛苦的问题了。
7. Within the first six months of life the human brain doubles in capacity; it doubles again by age four and then grows rapidly until we reach sexual maturity. 人脑的容量在生命开始的最初六周增长了一倍,到四岁时又增长一倍,其后大脑的容量迅速发展直到性成熟为止。
8. Though they may attain considerable accuracy in the perception of flat form. 虽然他们可能获得相当准确的平面形态感觉,
9. There are great complexities in modern life. 现代生活纷繁复杂。
10. The condemnation scarred him for life. 定他有罪给他造成了终身的创伤。