1. At those low wages, few will apply for the job. Who wants to work for a pittance? 很少人会去申请那个低薪的工作,谁想为微薄的薪水工作?
2. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, 起飞之后,我们在城市上空低低地飞行,然后慢慢爬高。
3. Advertising has played a large part in the growth of tourism, when hotels and travel agencies began to advertise the attractions of different tourist areas, the airlines and other transportation companies advertised the low fares to reach them. 广告业对旅游业的发展起了很大作用。当旅馆和旅行社做旅游胜地的广告时,航空公司和其它运输公司就做开了到达这些地方的便宜票的广告。
4. A man came in, his face hidden by an upturned coat collar and a cap pulled low over his brow. 进来的是个男人,他的脸藏在外衣上翻的衣领下面,一顶帽子被拉低得刚到眉梢。
5. "If they're doing really badly in a subject, that makes kids want to cheat so they can get a better grade," says first Class Scout Ben Patrick, 11, from Troop 69, Palatine, Illinois. "孩子们如果某一门功课学得实在太差,他们就会想作弊,这样他们就能得个好一点的分数。"本·帕特里克说。本,11岁,来自伊利诺伊州的帕拉蒂尼,是第69中队的一名一等童子军。
6. And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals, she says, since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body. 她说,铁离子含量可能低的人,吃饭时应避免喝咖啡或饮茶,因为这些饮料中所含的物质会妨碍身体对铁离子的吸收。
7. "The studies showed that even a low level of exercise can reduce the risk of falls," notes Washington University scientist Michael Province, 华盛顿大学的科学家迈克尔·普罗文斯指出,"这些研究表明,即使是初级水平的锻炼,也能降低摔跤的危险。"
8. Speak to your community in a way they can hear. Many communities have a low literacy rate, making impossible passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it. 以社区居民能接受的方式与他们交谈。许多社区的居民受教育比例低,这使得向他们散发艾滋病资料,希望他们自己阅读这一做法不切实际。
9. Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A. 满90分的学生评为甲等.
10. Powerfrugal systems would keep electricity usage low so that the demand on outside sources is low. 节能系统能使用电量降低,因此对外来电力的要求比较少。