1. We wanted to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons, and only finding out ten, twenty, or thirty years later that they were incompatible, 许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚, 结果在10年、20年或30年后才发觉他们原来是合不来的,
2. Water from the dams can make electricity, called hydroelectricity since it is made from water power. 从大坝里流出的水还能发电,叫做水力发电,因为它是利用水力发的电。
3. What remained of the life he had made was blown to bits though his home was more than a mile from ground zero. 尽管他家与原子弹爆炸中心相距1英里,但是他所营造的生活中的一切还是被炸成了碎片。
4. Why fool around for years drilling kids, when all education really is made up of is a set of very mixed brain patterns? 既然一切教育实际上是由一套错综复杂的头脑模式组成的,那何必还要浪费那么多年的时间来训练孩子呢?
5. Where once there was one set of furniture, one washing machine and one refrigerator, now there are two of all these things. 原先只有一套家具、一台洗衣机和一台电冰箱,现在却变成了两套或两台。
6. While human cloning might not offer great benefits to humanity, no one has yet made a convincing case that it would do any real harm, either. 虽然克隆人类可能不会给人类带来很大的好处,但也没有人能提供有力的例证证明它会带来真正的危害。
7. In Modern Times in 1936, the first film in which he was heard as a singing waiter, he made up a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality. 1936的《摩登时代》是第一部他在影片里发声唱歌的电影,他扮演一名侍者,操着编造的胡言乱语,听起来不像任何国家的语言。
8. We have made old women invisible so that we do not have to confront our society's myths about what makes life valuable or dying painful. 我们使老年妇女退出社会,销声匿迹,这样我们就不用面对这个社会里关于何以使生命如此宝贵,死亡如此痛苦的问题了。
9. When we think of brilliance we see Einstein, a thinking machine with skin and mismatched socks. 我们说到出众的才华,就会想到爱因斯坦,那个有生命的,穿着不配对袜子的思考机器。
10. This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的.