1. The planet has survived major changes for millions upon millions of years.

2. This means that major cities are getting the basic infrastructure to become major parts of the information superhighway, allowing people to log on to the most advanced services available.

3. The first category consists of substantial payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts.

4. The general public, however, likes the idea: 67% favored wider issuing of guns.

5. There is general agreement that genuine biological differences exist between individuals; geniuses need to be lucky in both their genes and their parents.

6. The following are some of the major qualities that make up emotional intelligence, and how they can be developed:

7. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people

8. Not surprising in these hard times, the students' major objective "is to be financially well off.
    在这些经济不景气的年代,学生们的主要目标是想 "在经济上富裕一点。

9. Never answer specific questions before doing a "general reading".

10. He left the major portion of his money to the foundation.