1. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.

2. No doubt this is a matter for regret, but the same thing has happened to many other ancient tombs.

3. No matter how society may classify me as invisible and powerless, I exist.

4. No matter what their I Q, once again it was emotional intelligence that separated the stars from the average performers.

5. He is considerate in this matter.

6. Has a decision been reached on a date for the game , or is the matter still pending?

7. He kept the matter secret from his family.

8. His voice had a tone of sorrow for the suffering of that ancient city, and a tone of confidence, too — a feeling of belief that London would be there, no matter what it had to endure.
    他的声音里表达了一种为这个古老城市遭受的苦难而感到的悲痛,同时还传递着一种信心-- 一种相信无论要去忍受什么样的苦难伦敦也将巍然屹立的信念。

9. He went to work sick, and despite nasty weather. He almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. A matter of pride.

10. How fast these nations should push ahead is a matter of debate.