1. She felt in her handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down all the details of the journey and gave it to the porter.

2. She had a plate with a cup of tea and a piece of cake;

3. So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears."

4. Mary: A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap.
    玛丽: 一块干酪. 一只面包.一块肥皂.

5. Give me that piece, please.

6. Children were told that they could have a single treat, such as a piece of candy, right now.

7. Usually the automobile or the horse paused at this, and after a strange exchange of greetings, I would probably "go a piece of the way" with them, as we say in farthest Florida, and follow them down the road a bit.

8. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle.

9. It´s a tiresome piece of work.

10. Imagine a pen attached to the weight in such a way that its point rests upon a piece of paper on the floor. Imagine an earthquake shock shaking the floor, the paper, you and your hand.