1. People enjoy swimming and playing in the cool water of a lake in the summer. 夏天人们还喜欢在清凉的湖水里游泳和玩耍。
2. Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery. 大多数男孩子都有玩机械的倾向。
3. John Hunter as a boy was much more fond of playing in the country and finding out about wild animals than doing his lessons. 亨特还是孩童时就特别喜欢去野地游玩,喜欢野生动物,而不喜欢做功课。
4. “I kept playing the same disk in my CD player for a whole day once just to test her because she was so timid,” says Noel. “It took her until dinner time to finally change it.” "我曾从早到晚用CD机播放同一张碟,就是为了试试她,因为她太羞怯了," 诺埃尔说,"直到那天晚饭时,她才终于改变了她的羞怯。"
5. Controlling this precision machine and its many weapons is like playing a million-dollar video game that has dozens of buttons. 控制这架精密的机器和它所携带的众多武器,就像玩一个备有几十个按钮、价值百万的电子游戏。
6. Over there, under a huge pine tree, a group of boys and girls are playing games. 那边一棵大松树下一群孩子正在做游戏。
7. I was covered in sweat after playing football. 踢完球后,我浑身大汗.
8. It is no use offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week´s sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. 对于流汗出力干了一周苦活的体力劳动者来说,让他们在星期六下午再踢足球或打垒球是不合适的;
9. For a moment I thought of playing truant. 逃学的念头在我脑子里闪了一下。