1. Since the war Germany has been divided; it is no longer political entity.
    战后德国被一分为二, 不再是一个政治统一体了.

2. Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events.

3. She had little money. She had no political experience.

4. She became an ambassador for women's political rights, giving speeches before women's groups and going from door to door, handbag in hand, spending hours at a time giving a combination of speech and government lesson.

5. My political views concur with his.

6. Many, if not most, of its government employees can be said somehow to have "participated in the torture" of persons on account of "political opinion".
    它的许多政府雇员,虽然不是大多数,似乎都可以被假定为曾因 "政治观点的原因"参与了"对人的折磨"。

7. Ms. Mbogo launched her dream of a career in politics in 1992 by running for the Embu Council, facing the obstacles that often trouble African women running for political office.

8. Her extremist political credo

9. Our leaders saw parallels to the independence movement founded by people like Nehru and Gandhi who, after absorbing Western political thought at institutions like Eton and Oxford, returned home to serve their native land.

10. One organization has held dozens of workshops in rural Kenya to help women understand the nation's constitution and the procedures and theory behind a democratic political system.