1. When we got home that night, after we put Shoshana to bed, he said modestly, "Well, I think we hit it off A-OK." 那晚我们回到家里, 把肖谢纳放到床上后, 他谦虚地说: "嗯, 我觉得情况还不错。"
2. Would they take a look now, if I brought them over; and if they approved (批准), put a Gestapo seal (封条) on the suitcases so I wouldn't be held up at the airport? 假如我现在就把箱子拿过去,可不可以请他们看一下? 如果他们检查通过了,是否可以在我的箱子上盖上盖世太保的图章? 这样我在机场就不会耽搁了。
3. Whether or not they said anything I can't remember to this day, or whether people just automatically put their hands up I don't know. I put my hands up but I just didn't know what to do. 有那么一会儿,那里一片寂静,而这寂静突然被电话铃声打断。我记得自己当时还曾想知道这会是谁打来的电话呢。没人接电话,于是它就在那原本死一般的寂静里不断地响啊响。
4. We put our hands down but I just stayed exactly where I was. Then one of the bank workers pressed a button behind the counter and the steel gate at the front of the bank moved into place so that we were locked in. We just stayed like that until the p 仿佛在梦中一样,我不紧不慢地走出了银行。没有人试图阻止我,警察似乎对我并不感兴趣。他们不打算盘问我,也没有要求我作证或别的什么,所以我就那样慢悠悠地走出了银行。
5. What we are trying to avoid is neutrality; the only people with any qualification to decide are those who know the patient intimately and can put his or her interests first. 我们试图避免的就是中立。惟一有权做出决定的,是那些非常熟悉病人的人,能将病人的利益放在首位的人。
6. When he finally retired, he put his plan into effect. 等到终于退休了,他便开始实行这一计划。
7. We have put old women in nursing "homes" with absolutely no intellectual stimulation, isolated from human warmth and contact, and then condemned them for losing their mental abilities. 我们把老年妇女送进养老之"家",那儿没有丝毫促进思考动脑的活动,远离人间的温暖和交往,然后指责她们丧失了思维能力。
8. What researchers have been trying to understand is how they work together; how one's ability to handle stress, for instance, affects the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to use. 研究人员想要弄清的是两者是如何共同起作用的;举例说,一个人应付压力的能力是如何影响他集中精力,运用智力的能力的。
9. The fire brigade put out the blaze. 消防队扑灭了火。
10. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent . 孩子们都挺累,于是他们把火扑灭,钻进了帐蓬。