2. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. 许多人都深感人生的短暂。
3. Moving is bad — in the sense of carrying furniture, equipment and hundreds of boxes out of one place and into another. 搬家苦,苦就苦在要将一件件家具、设备和数百个箱子从一个地方搬出来,又搬进另一个地方去。
4. Gouvernail was in no sense a shy man. 古韦内尔可不是个腼腆的人。
5. Common sense is worth more than learning. 普通的见识比学问更重要。
6. One fairly common reason is that parents spoil their children out of a sense of guilt. 一个颇为常见的原因就是父母亲们是出于内疚感而溺爱孩子的。
7. Of course, names with a positive sense can work for you, even encourage new acquaintances. 当然, 有积极含义的名字对你是有好处的,甚至能促进你结交新友。
8. 1. What could make the writer sense that something was about to happen at this moment? 等轮到我时,我上前走到柜台边,开口和银行办事员说话。可他脸上有种很奇怪的表情--一种茫然的眼神。开始我以为他是在看我,后来才意识到他是在朝我的肩膀后面看。
9. It´s time that men of good sense and good will to intervene. 这该是那些头脑清醒和心地善良的人们出面干预的时候了。
10. In her profligate life, she lost all sense of decency. 在她放荡的生活中, 她完全丧失了一个正常人的理智。