1. D.N. Hall,83,Bridge Street.

2. A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic.

3. ´Excuse me,´ she said. ´Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?´

4. A policeman who stood before a drugstore two doors away laughed and walked down the street.

5. At last he reached a street where there was little traffic and few pedestrians.

6. As we drove along, someone would single out to me a famous building, an important street, a park, a bridge that when built was thought to be a landmark.

7. As we made our way to a house like all the others, I drew the stares of many people in the street.

8. And, suddenly — wallet, watch and chicken in hand — their footsteps faded down the darkened street.

9. A dormitory-style home has been built for the dozens of homeless street children who once wandered the city.

10. "I got a cigarette from somebody on the street the other day. Do I have to report that?"