1. My parents made a formal visit to my future husband's house to see whether Ram's family would treat me well.

2. Joe wants to visit the island where his forefathers lived.

3. "Why not go back to Anzhuang for a visit?"

4. "Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes."

5. On a visit to Santa Fe in 1943, she asked why she couldn't see the picture he had just taken. During the next hour, as Land walked around Santa Fe, all he had learned about chemistry came together:

6. Let us suppose we can visit a home at the end of this century.

7. 12.Every holiday there is a serious argument in the family about whether to visit your parents or those of your spouse.

8. I look forward to your visit with keen anticipation.

9. I want to visit a fortuneteller or an astrologer.Can you recommend one to me?
    我想拜访一个算命的占星家, 你能向我推荐一个吗?

10. It isn´t proper to visit a friend at this late hour.