1. People take great pride in getting to that peak. 人们以能登上这座山峰而感到自豪。
2. People also enjoy the excitement of climbing mountains or of riding in a boat on a river that is moving very quickly or of racing in a car around a track. 从登山中,从在湍急的河流里扬帆荡桨中以及从竞技车赛中人们获得刺激。
3. People are not sure why they built this pyramid, but it must have been important. 现在人们不能肯定他们建造这一金字塔的原因,但在当时一定是很重要的。
4. Passing the mayor´s office, I saw people standing before the little bulletin board. 经过镇公所,我看见一群人站在小布告牌前。
5. People had to travel by horse or camel or on foot. 人们不得不靠着骑马、骑骆驼或步行去旅行。
6. People who have eyes sometimes act just as foolishly when they take a one-sided view of things. 即使有视力的正常人有时也片面地看问题,他们一点也不比这几个盲人聪明。
7. People came running round the corner, a policeman at their head. 人们从拐角处跑过来,领头的是位警察。
8. People began forming into little talkative groups. 人们则三五成群地开始谈论起来。
9. People can live here because of water. 因为有水,人类才能居住在这个星球上。
10. People cannot swim in the polluted water. 人们不能在受污染的水里游泳。