1. Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice holiday time for the pleasure of travelling by sea.

2. Nor does it make children feel more loved (for what children really desire is parents' time and attention).

3. Once upon a time there were six blind men who lived in a village in India.
    从前, 有六个瞎子住在印度的一个村子里.

4. Of course, we should arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time

5. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time.

6. Or, to be more exact, Alaska was at one time connected with the tip of Siberia.

7. Once they started to talk, they forgot about the time.

8. Once upon a time there was an honest little fellow named Hans.

9. Our early ancestors counted days by the time between each sunrise and sundown, as some primitive peoples still do.

10. On the other hand, speaking for two or three minutes at a time would hold their attention and make my job infinitely easier.