1. Taking a book from a bookcase, I climbed up into the window-seat.

2. Though it was written in 1902, it still is a very exciting book.

3. The master was walking up and down the room with the iron ruler under his arm and a book in his hand.

4. There was no question of his going after the book.

5. The book, however, is much more than an argument against the latest racially biased theory.

6. The book features more than 500 maps that show areas of genetic similarity — much as places of equal altitude are shown by the same color on other maps.

7. This notion is about to bound into the national conversation, conveniently shortened to EQ, thanks to a new book, Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.

8. Need some new reading material, like a magazine or book?

9. Help the boy to look up the book in the catalogue.

10. He dedicated the book to his friend.