1. They allowed the visits to continue if they thought the boy was someone who would make a good marriage partner. 假如他们认为这个小伙子是他们女儿可以托付终身的人,就会让这种拜访持续下去。
2. Neither boy is to blame. 两个男孩子都不应责怪.
3. No one noticed the boy as he crept off. 当男孩从船里爬出来时,谁也没有发现他。
4. He is an ambitious boy. 他是个有野心的男孩子。
5. He is a handsome boy. 他是一个英俊男孩.
6. Help the boy to look up the book in the catalogue. 请帮助这孩子在目录里找找这本书。
7. He consigned the boy to the care of the aunt. 他把孩子委托给姑母照管。
8. He held his son´s hand firmly to be sure that boy did not bow either. 他紧握儿子的手, 以确保孩子也不鞠躬.